
Keywords: lass of Implicit Relation, Compact Fuzzy 3- Metric Space. Weak-compatible

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An extensive study in fuzzy metric space, fuzzy 2-metric space,compact fuzzy metric space and compact fuzzy 2-metric space had been done by Sharma [3]and shrivastava[4], using this concept we have generalizing the result of Aliouche [1] in the context of compact fuzzy3-metric space.



Aliouche, A. : A common fixed point theorems for weakly compatible mappings in compact metric spaces satisfying an implicit relation, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics 3 (15), 2007, 123-130.

Gähler, S. : 2-Metrische Räume and ihre topologische structure, Math. Nachr., 26 1983, 115-148.

Sharma, P.L. Sharma B.K., and Iseki, K. : Contractive type mapping on 2- Metric space, Math. Japonica, 21, 1976, 67-70. [4] Shrivastava, K : Common fixed point theorems satisfying an implicit relation, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, 5(8), 2016, 206 - 215

Wenzhi, Z. : Probabilistic 2-metric space, J. Math. Research Expo., 2, 1987, 241-245.


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How to Cite
Shrivastava, K. (2016). Common Fixed Point Theorems in Compact Fuzzy 3-Metric Space Using Implicit Relation. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(11), 1718-1722. Retrieved from