
Keywords: Domination number, total domination number, complete cototal domination number, degree equitable complete cototal domination number.

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Let be any connected graph A dominating set D is said to be a complete cototal dominating set if the induced subgraph has no isolated vertices.. A complete cototal dominating set D is said to be degree equitable complete cototal dominating set if for every vertex there exist a vertex such that and provided and contains no isolated vertices. The minimum cardinality of degree equitable complete cototal dominating set is called degree equitable complete cototal domination number of a graph and it is denoted by . In this paper, we have obtained the of some standard class of graphs and further established some bounds forc



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How to Cite
V.S., S., & Patil, V. (2016). Degree Equitable Complete Cototal domination number of graph. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(11), 1700-1708. Retrieved from