A new deterministic sieving algorithm based on derived “matrix definition” of prime numbers is proposed. The algorithm allows to calculate indexes of prime numbers in two sequences: and in a given range of natural numbers (N1;N2). Also generalprimality criteria and twin-prime criteria are formulated. C program for finding primes in given range (N1,N2) and C program for primality testing of given natural number N are presented in Attachments 1 and 2.
Article Content:-
A new deterministic sieving algorithm based on derived “matrix definition” of prime numbers is proposed. The algorithm allows to calculate indexes of prime numbers in two sequences: and in a given range of natural numbers (N1;N2). Also generalprimality criteria and twin-prime criteria are formulated. C++ program for finding primes in given range (N1,N2) and C++ program for primality testing of given natural number N are presented in Attachments 1 and 2.
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How to Cite
Sklyar, B., ., I., & Sklyar, D. (2015). Matrix Sieve – New Algorithm for Finding Prime Numbers. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 3(03), 913-924. Retrieved from