
Keywords: Vacation queue, Supplementary variable, Probability generating function, Performance measures.

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We consider an M/G/1 queue with K -phase of optional vacation. The vacation policy is after completion of service if there are no customers in the system, the server take vacation consisting of K -phases. After completing the Kth phases of vacation, the server enter into the service station independent of the number of customers in the system. The vacation periods follows general distribution. For this model the supplementary variable technique has been applied to obtain the probability generating functions of number of customers in the queue at different server states. Some particular models are obtained and a numerical study is also carried out.



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How to Cite
R., K., & R., S. (2016). An M/G/1 queue with K phases of vacation with state dependent arrival rate. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(11), 1670-1684. Retrieved from