
Keywords: Differential Transform Method, Laplace transform method, system of simultaneous linear differential equation

Article Content:-


DTM is one of the method which gives series solution. The approach mainly rests on the DTM which is one of the approximate methods. The method can easily be applied to many problems and is capable of reducing the size of computational work. Some examples are presented to show the efficiency and simplicity of the method. In this paper one dimensional Differential Transform Method (DTM) is applied on the second order differential equation .The numerical result obtain by DTM are compared with the solution which are obtain by Laplace transform method.



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How to Cite
Khambayat, A., & Patil, N. (2015). The Numerical Solution of Differential Transform Method and the Laplace Transform Method for Second Order Differential Equation. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 3(02), 871-875. Retrieved from