
Keywords: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), Standardized Multiple Linear Regression Model (SMLRM), Unstandardized Multiple Linear Regression Model (USMLRM), Dependent Variable (DV), Independent Variables (IVs), Maize production (MP), Rainfall (RF), Temperature (Temp), Humidity (HUM).

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In this study, USMLRM and SMLRM were compared. To achieve the goal, USMLRM and SMLRM estimating techniques were considered on simultaneous equation models where maize production served as response variable and Rainfall, Temperature, Humidity served as explanatory variables. Data were collected from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletin, December 2009 and the record office of Food Agriculture organisation (FAO) which covers the period of 1985 to 2007. Result from the analysis showed that USMLRM and SMLRM produced different values of coefficient and standard error in the two models. The SPSS statistical package was adopted to carry out the analysis of the results and the study however conclude that SMLRM was considered to be the most efficient model compared with that of USMLRM.



Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), Standardized Multiple Linear Regression Model (SMLRM),

Unstandardized Multiple Linear Regression Model (USMLRM), Dependent Variable (DV), Independent

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How to Cite
S.K, A., O.A, E., & S.A, O. (2016). On Comparative Study of Efficiency of Standardized and Unstandardized Regression Model for the Effect of Climatic Variability on Maize Production in Nigeria. (Forest Region). International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(11), 1650-1658. Retrieved from