
Keywords: censored samples; ideal estimation equation; Kiefer bound; minimum; variance unbiased estimator; parametric function; truncated distribution; variance bound.

Article Content:-


We consider uniform density on . Identifying suitable prior densities we compute Kiefer bound on variance of unbiased estimator of the parametric function . Doubly censored sampling is taken into consideration. Further, the bounds are shown to be attained by variances of estimators based on the samples considered. Results are illustrated through examples. The bounds based on complete and censored samples are compared.



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Shanubhogue,A. and Jadhav,D.B.(2014)b. Attainable Kiefer Bounds Using

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East Journal of Theoretical Statistics (Under Revision).


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How to Cite
Shanubhogue, A., & Jadhav, D. (2015). Kiefer Bound for Doubly Truncated Distributions. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 3(01), 850-860. Retrieved from