
Keywords: Segmentation, Authentication, security, medical confidentiality medical images, medical images watermarking, Reversible watermarking, algorithm intelligent

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Telemedicine is a well-known application, where enormous amount of medical data need to be
securely transfer over the public network and manipulate effectively. Medical image watermarking
is an appropriate method used for enhancing security and authentication of medical data, which is
crucial and used for further diagnosis and reference. This paper discusses the available medical
image watermarking methods for protecting and authenticating medical data. The medical images
can be transferred securely by embedding watermarks in RONI allowing verification of the
legitimate changes at the receiving end without affecting ROI. The proposed algorithm is used to
achieve maximum peak to signal noise ratio. The Proposed algorithm achieved for BPP 0.3, 0.55
and 0.7 and 0.8 are 50.02 , 59.27 , 48.34 and 46.25 respectively.



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How to Cite
sweety, S., & Archana, A. (2018). Analysis of Watermarking Techniques for Medical Images. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 6(04), 1872-1877. Retrieved from