
Keywords: Homotopy analysis method, Domb-Sykes plot, Pade approximations, h-curves, Region of convergence.

Article Content:-


Homotopy analysis method (HAM) is a very strong semi analytical method used to solve almost all nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations. The effects of heat source/ sink of the boundary layer flow on a steady two dimensional flow and heat transfer past a shrinking sheet is studied by Homotopy Analysis Method. The series solution obtained by HAM is shown to be convergent for choosen h value which was obtained by h curve. Region of convergence is obtained by Domb-Sykes plot. We have also applied Pade for the HAM series and were able to identify the singularity and is reflected in the graph. The convergence of Homotopy series solution is obtained by the h curves. We find that HAM gives better approximation to the solutions.



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How to Cite
Nargund, A. L., Madhusudhan, R., & Sathyanarayana, S. B. (2016). Semi Analytic Approximate Solution Of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(06), 1418-1428. Retrieved from