
Keywords: Contact metric generalized ( k ,  ) -space form, ( k ,  ) -contact metric manifold, Einstein manifold, Concircular curvature tensor.

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In this paper, we study  -concircularly flat and pseudo-concircularly flat 3 -dimensional contact metric generalized ( k ,  ) -space form and such a space form with concircular curvature tensor C satisfying the condition C ( , X )  S = 0 , where S denotes the Ricci curvature tensor. MSC(2010): 53C25, 53D15.



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How to Cite
Prakasha, D. G., & Mirji, K. (2016). The Concircular Curvature Tensor On Contact Metric Generalized ( k ,  ) -Space Forms. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(05), 1404-1410. Retrieved from