
Keywords: Compound encryption, Arnold transforms, Logistic mapping, Normalized correlation coefficient, PSNR.

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This paper presents a robust but secured blind digital image watermarking algorithm based on two dimensional discrete wavelet transform. The algorithm is robust because instead of inserting watermark image as it is in a wavelet channel, the watermark image is compound encrypted using Arnold transform and
Logistic mapping and then inserted into the desired wavelet channel. The algorithm proposed is secured because there are many parameters that can be used as a security key e.g. the initial value of the Logistic mapping parameters and the iterative time of the Arnold transform. It is also possible to change the initially
selected parameters. The algorithm was tested using different powerful attacks like bit compression, JPEG compression, median filtering, image cropping etc. The Experimental result found supports the robustness and security of the proposed algorithm.



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How to Cite
Dasre, D. N. kumar R. , P. (2016). On Watermarking Using Arnold and Wavelet Transform. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(05), 1325-1332. Retrieved from