
Keywords: Neutral, Functional differential equation, existence, uniqueness

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Up to now, many things were said about differential equations without time delay, the so called

ordinary differential equations or partial differential equations, and their solutions. The fixed

point theorems have been used to show the existence and uniqueness of solution of initial value

problem of these equations. Since time delay occurs naturally in just about every interaction of

the real world, here in this paper we see some differential equations with time delay, the so

called functional differential equations or delay differential equations. In general, we used

Banach-Cacciopoli Theorem and Schauder’s fixed point theorem to show the existence and

uniqueness of solution of a neutral functional differential equation.



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How to Cite
Fikadu, T., Wedajo, A., & Gurmu, E. (2021). The Existence and Uniqueness of Solution of a Neutral Functional Differential Equation. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 9(4), 2271-2276. Retrieved from