
Keywords: Data Analytics; Smart Agriculture; Machine Learning Algorithms

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Data analytics can be used in the majority to obtain data that can be used by farmers to enhance their farming. Farmers can generate smart farming decisions using that data throughout the production cycle of any crop. Nowadays, the idea of data analytics has been widely used in various sectors for well-organized decision making and people are gradually responding to the importance of the value of data analytics. Recent technologies are now able to gain plenty of data to farmers regarding agricultural activities, which can then be studied to find significant facts. Machine learning concept is used in a variety of applications like banking, health care, agriculture sector, education, and many more. While converting data in a proper format, the main focus is on the conversion of data from unstructured format to structured format. The data is then provided as input to machine learning algorithms. Using the concept of data analytics, i.e using efficient decision-making methods, numerous options is made available to farmers for profitable farming. It will thus lead to the economic growth of various farmers.  In this paper, we tried to propose a platform of data analytics, where we put various ideas to farmers depending on their needs in the agriculture sector. The outcomes of this study would certify the proposed platform and also - future research on innovative decision-making in the field of agriculture.



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Malode, M., Thombare, M., Tidke, D., & More, R. (2021). Survey on Smart Agriculture using Data Science. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 9(4), 2255-2258. Retrieved from