
Keywords: Balking, Equilibrium threshold, Equilibrium social benefit, markovian queue, observable queue

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Queueing system is one of the real applications which is used to establishing the relationship between customers and server for providing service facility. In Wang and zhang [9], The equilibrium threshold balking strategies are analyzed for fully observable and partially observable m/m/1 queue with server breakdown and delayed repair. By the observation and state of server, when customer arrive in the system, he/she decide whether to join or balk the queue. In this paper we consider equilibrium strategy markovian   queue with presence of redundant server for condition of balking and delayed repair. By the redundant server, system can improve service quality. Customers may not lose their time for service. In this paper, we calculate the stationary distribution of queue size of queueing system. With the help of markove chain approach and system cast analysis. We calculated equilibrium threshold strategy and equilibrium social benefit for fully observable and partially observable with redundant server for server breakdown and delayed repair.



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Shrivastava, D. R. K., & Dubey, P. G. (2021). The Study of Equilibrium Strategies of the Observable Markovian Queue with Redundant Server for Balking and Delayed Repair. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 9(4), 2214-2224. Retrieved from