
Keywords: MHD, Ionized Gas, Porous Medium, Permeability, Hall current.

Article Content:-


The paper considers the viscous flow of an ionized gas through a porous medium between two parallel plates separated by height 2h in an inclined channel with angle of inclination  . Analytical expressions for primary and secondary velocities have been obtained. The influence of various physical parameters like Hartmann number M, Hall parameter m, viscosity ratio parameter 1  and Darcy number Da on the flow field have been discussed. It is found that the primary and the secondary velocities decrease with an increase in Hartmann number M in both partially and fully ionized cases. It is also found that both the primary and the secondary velocities increase in both partially and fully ionized cases with an increase in the Hall parameter m, viscosity ratio parameter 1  and Darcy number Da.



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How to Cite
Sreenadh, S., Vishnupriya, L., & Ramadevi, A. (2016). The Hall Effects in the Viscous Flow of an Ionized Gas through an Inclined Porous Layer. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(03), 1283-1295. Retrieved from