
Keywords: Modal Bayes estimator, multivariate normal distribution, quadratic risk, shrinkage estimator.

Article Content:-


This article concerns the estimation of the mean    of a multivariate normal distribution    in which the variance   is unknown and estimated by the chi-square variable . First, we consider the estimators of Lindley-Type that shrink the components of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE)  to the random variable  . Secondly, we consider the mean   as a random variable and construct the modal Bayes estimator  , we then study the minimaxity of the estimator and the asymptotic behavior of risks ratios of to the MLE when the dimension of the parameters space  and the sample size  tend simultaneously to infinity.



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How to Cite
Hamdaoui, A., Benkhaled, A., & Terbeche, M. (2021). Estimators of Lindley-Type for the Multivariate Normal Mean In the Bayesian Case. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 9(03), 2203-2209. Retrieved from