
Keywords: Auxiliary information, ratio type estimator, relative mean squared error, relative bias and simulation

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In survey sampling, the utilization of auxiliary information is very helpful in designing the estimators that can estimate the population mean with greater degree of precision. In this paper, general class of improved ratio type estimator (may be biased or unbiased) for estimation of population mean have been proposed. The relative bias and relative mean squared error of the proposed estimators have been worked out upto order O (n-1) and O (n-2) respectively. The efficiencies of the proposed estimators have been compared with the conventional ratio estimator and the estimator proposed by Sharma et al., (2010) and were found more efficient. Empirical results also showed that the proposed estimators are more efficient than the conventional ratio estimator and the estimator proposed by Sharma et al., (2010).



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How to Cite
Kumar, B., Sharma, M., Rizvi, S., & Mahajan, S. (2017). Improved General Class of Ratio Type Estimators. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 5(08), 1790-1796. Retrieved from