Complex Number, Algebraic group, Prerequisite,Difficulty and Discrimination index,Psychometrics
Article Content:-
Maharaj A and Wagh V (2014) ‘An outline of possible pre-course diagnostics’ S. Afr J Sci; 110(7/8), Art # 2013-0244, pages 7.
Zandieth M.A (2000) ‘A theoretical framework for analysising student understanding of the concept’ CBMS Issues Math Ed. 8,103-122.
Maharaj A and Ntuli M (2018) ‘Students’ ability to correctly apply differentiation rules to structurally different functions’ S. Afr J Sci 144(11/12), Art # 5008, 7pages
G. Hochschild and G. D. Mostow (1969) ‘Complex Analytic Groups and Hopf Algebras’ American Journal of Mathematics,Vol. 91, No. 4, pp. 1141-1151 The Johns Hopkins University Press
Bolton, William (1996) ‘Complex Numbers’. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. New York.
Bittinger, Marvin L., and Davic Ellenbogen (2001) ‘Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Applications’. 6th ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing.
Kuku A.O (2010) ‘Abstract algebra’ Ibadan University Press, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 9781210699.
Steve Howell(2010) ‘complex numbers’
Weller K, Clark J, Dubinsky E, Loch S, McDonald M, Merkovsky R (2003) Student performance and attitudes in courses based on APOS theory and the ACE teaching cycle. In: Selden A, Dubinsky E, Harel G, Hitt F (eds) Research in collegiate mathematics education V. American Mathematical Society, Providence, pp 97–131.
Cottrill J, Dubinsky E, Nichols D, Schwingendorf K, Thomas K, Vidakovic D (1996) Understanding the limit concept: beginning with a coordinated process schema. J Math Behav 15(2):167–192.
Maharaj A (2018) ‘Students’ Understanding of solving a system of linear Equations using Matrix methods: A case study’ Int J Edu Sci, 21(1-3): 124-134.
Zaslavsky O, Shir K (2005) Students’ conceptions of a mathematical definition’ Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 36(4): 317-346.
Kuder, G. F., & Richardson, M. W. (1937). The theory of the estimation of test reliability. Psychometrika, 2(3), 151–160.
Ritter, Nicola L. (2010). ‘Understanding a Widely Misunderstood Statistic: Cronbach's "Alpha". Annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association. New Orleans. 13/09/2019
Zandieth M.A (2000) ‘A theoretical framework for analysising student understanding of the concept’ CBMS Issues Math Ed. 8,103-122.
Maharaj A and Ntuli M (2018) ‘Students’ ability to correctly apply differentiation rules to structurally different functions’ S. Afr J Sci 144(11/12), Art # 5008, 7pages
G. Hochschild and G. D. Mostow (1969) ‘Complex Analytic Groups and Hopf Algebras’ American Journal of Mathematics,Vol. 91, No. 4, pp. 1141-1151 The Johns Hopkins University Press
Bolton, William (1996) ‘Complex Numbers’. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. New York.
Bittinger, Marvin L., and Davic Ellenbogen (2001) ‘Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Applications’. 6th ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing.
Kuku A.O (2010) ‘Abstract algebra’ Ibadan University Press, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 9781210699.
Steve Howell(2010) ‘complex numbers’
Weller K, Clark J, Dubinsky E, Loch S, McDonald M, Merkovsky R (2003) Student performance and attitudes in courses based on APOS theory and the ACE teaching cycle. In: Selden A, Dubinsky E, Harel G, Hitt F (eds) Research in collegiate mathematics education V. American Mathematical Society, Providence, pp 97–131.
Cottrill J, Dubinsky E, Nichols D, Schwingendorf K, Thomas K, Vidakovic D (1996) Understanding the limit concept: beginning with a coordinated process schema. J Math Behav 15(2):167–192.
Maharaj A (2018) ‘Students’ Understanding of solving a system of linear Equations using Matrix methods: A case study’ Int J Edu Sci, 21(1-3): 124-134.
Zaslavsky O, Shir K (2005) Students’ conceptions of a mathematical definition’ Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 36(4): 317-346.
Kuder, G. F., & Richardson, M. W. (1937). The theory of the estimation of test reliability. Psychometrika, 2(3), 151–160.
Ritter, Nicola L. (2010). ‘Understanding a Widely Misunderstood Statistic: Cronbach's "Alpha". Annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association. New Orleans. 13/09/2019
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How to Cite
I.O., L., & J.A., A. (2019). Analysis of Student’s Understanding of Complex Number in Relative to Algebraic group Concept. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 7(10). Retrieved from