
Keywords: Data integrity, dependable distributed storage, error localization, data dynamics, cloud computing.

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Several trends are opening up the era of cloud computing, which is an Internet-based development and use of computer technology. The ever cheaper and more powerful processors, together with the Software as a Service (SaaS) computing architecture, are transforming data centers into pools of computing service on a huge scale. The increasing network bandwidth and reliable yet flexible network connections make it even possible that users can now subscribe high quality services from data and software that reside solely on remote data centers. In order to achieve the assurances of cloud data integrity and availability and enforce the quality of cloud storage service, we consider the problem of building a secure cloud storage service on top of a public cloud infrastructure where the service provider is not completely trusted by the customer. We describe, at a high level contract signing protocol that combine recent and non-standard cryptographic primitives in order to achieve our goal.


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How to Cite
Kumar, K. S., & Rao, M. S. S. S. (2013). A Signcryption Based Contract Signing Approach for Accountable Data Sharing in Cloud. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(09), 257-261. Retrieved from