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With the increase in the demand of power supply, conventional power supply unit may not be able to fulfill the increased demand of power supply. To fulfill such a demand an additional power supply is to be incorporated in conventional system. As there is constraint on power generation of existing conventional sources the need for incorporation of renewal resources for power generation is required. In this regard the power supply based on wind supply is in greater demand. To
harness the wind power efficiently the most reliable system in the present era is grid connected doubly fed induction generator. In this paper we focus on analyzing Interfacing and Control of DFIG Wind Turbine With Grid using MATLAB SimPower Systems. In today’s power systems, the proliferation of nonlinear
load along with DFIG wind turbine increases harmonics which causes many problems in power systems, such as reactive power burden and decreased reliability. Harmonic supervision is highly valuable in relieving these problems. An optimal placement of DFIG wind farm in the grid is proposed aiming to give minimum modes and harmonics. In this paper, Prony analysis method is
used for harmonic supervision and mode calculation. The result
shows that the proposed method found the optimal position of
wind farm with minimum harmonics and modes.



) Gonzalo Abad, Jesu´s Lo´pez, Miguel A. Rodrı´guez, Luis

Marroyo, Grzegorz Iwanski, “Doubly Fed Induction Machine

- Modeling and Control for Wind Generation” Publ: IEEE

Computer Society Press (2011)

) Matlab & Simulink v.7.6.0, “Wind Turbine Doubly-Fed

Induction Generator (Average model)” – Help files

)“Wind Turbine” – Wikipedia


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How to Cite
Eadake, A. kumar, Bagade, S., Vairalkar, A., Mali, N., & Nikam, V. (2013). Interfacing and Control of DFIG Wind Turbine With Grid and Harmonic Supervision. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(04), 115-118. Retrieved from