
Keywords: Introduction,Representation of Game Digraph,Characteristicsof game tree

Article Content:-


This paper describes the application of Graphs in Game Theory. Game Theory can be applied to problems in Engineering ,economics,and war science to find the
optimal way of performing certain tasks in competitive environment.This paper describes the applicability of Game Theory in operation Research using Graph
Theoriticaltools.They deal with the representation of system structure by means of a connectedgraph and subsequent analysis through appropriate study of digraph.Game theory is the corner stone of combinatorial operation Research.The central topic in Discrete Mathematics is Graph Theory and the language of Graph Theory allows us to visualize combinatorial problems diagrametically .In real problems of operation Research the theory of Games provides an approach rather than complete analysis. Graph Theory is applicable to very special but important classes of Games



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October 8, 2001 lecture notes



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How to Cite
Manjula, V. (2013). Graphs in Game Theory. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(04), 109-114. Retrieved from