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In this paper a method for vehicle number plate identification is implemented and analyzed, on the basis of a novel adaptive image segmentation technique conjunction with character recognition. A novel method for number plate localization based on texture and edge information is proposed. The whole process is divided into two part candidate excretion and candidate verification in the first part the number plate being extracted from complex environment, several candidate areas instead of one with candidates. Adaptive median filter is applied to remove the noise from the image. Image processing technique such as edge detection, thresholding, resampling and filtering have been used to locate and isolate the number plate and the characters. The system can recognize single line number plates under widely varying illumination conditions with a success rate of about 80%.



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How to Cite
Kendre, H. D., Talokar, G. V., Girhe, M., & Pidkalwar, T. (2013). The Automatic Number Plate Recognition System (Anpr). International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(03), 99-102. Retrieved from