
Keywords: statistical quality control, manufacturing, product-homogeneity, disparity-proportions, sampling, two-sample test, ordered data, indicator variables

Article Content:-


Inter-sample-disparity proportions were derived and applied to data on the number of defective water bottles in a factory. The result showed that the proportion of the first-sample observations that were numerically greater than the second -sample observations was 84/100 and the proportion of the observations in the first sample that were less than the observations in the second sample was 16/100 . The difference between the two proportions, 68/100, was tested significant with an adapted normal test of the difference between two proportions. This result implied that the population contains heterogeneous elements confirming the unstable
position of the production process.



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SPC for MS EXCEL (e-mail: March 2005


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How to Cite
Alabi-Labaika, B. (2013). Inter-Sample-Disparity Proportions Used as a Quality- Control Method. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(07), 189-196. Retrieved from