
Keywords: Image Processing, Edge detection, Fuzzy Logic.

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An edge is sharp change in intensity of an image. Now, since the overall goal is to locate edges in the real world via an image, the term edge detection is commonly used. If the edges in an image are identified accurately, all the objects are located and their basic properties such as area, perimeter and shape can be measured. Therefore edges are used for boundary estimation and segmentation in the scene. Uncertainty of image processing is handled within the frame work of fuzzy logic. In this paper a novel method based on fuzzy logic reasoning strategy is proposed for edge detection in digital images without determining the threshold value. The proposed approach begins by segmenting the images into regions using floating 2x2 masks. The edge pixels are mapped to a range of values distinct from each other.



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How to Cite
Paika, E. V., & Bhambri, E. P. (2013). Edge Detection Technique Based on Fuzzy Logic. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(03), 83-87. Retrieved from