
Keywords: GSM network ,Patient Monitoring System, VLSI

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In this fast pace of life, it is difficult for people to be constantly available for their near ones who might need them while they are suffering from a disease or physical disorder. So also constant monitoring of the patient’s body  parameters such as temperature, pulse rate, sugar level etc. becomes difficult.
Hence to remove human error and to lessen the burden of monitoring patient’s health from doctor’s head, this paper presents the methodology for monitoring patients remotely using GSM network and Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technology. Patient monitoring systems measure physiological characteristics either continuously or at regular intervals of time.



R.S.Sedha, Applied Electronics, S.Chand

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Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Details of 8051

microcontroller & Embedded systems,

Pearson education &

William Kleitz, Hardware & Software of

microcontroller, Pearson Education.

H.S.Kalshi,Electronics Instrumentation,

Tata Mc Grawhill.

David E.Simon, Programming in

embedded ‘C’, Pearson Education.

D.Roy Chodhary, Shile B.Jani, Linear

integrated circuits.


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How to Cite
Adivarekar, J. S., Chordia, A. D., Baviskar, H. H., Aher, P. V., & Gupta, S. (2013). Patient Monitoring System Using GSM Technology. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(02), 73-78. Retrieved from