
Keywords: Input Validation, Pattern matching, Sanitization, SQL injection attacks, Type learning, XSS Attacks.

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In the last twenty years, web applications have grown from simple, static pages to complex, full-fledged dynamic applications. simple web applications today may accept and process hundreds of different HTTP parameters to be able to provide users with interactive services. Unfortunately, web applications are also frequently targeted by attackers, and critical vulnerabilities such as Front-end and Back-end are still common. Much effort has been taken from the past few years to reduce these vulnerabilities. The current technique focused on sanitization is not able to prevent new forms of input validation vulnerabilities such as HTTP parameters pollutions and are runtime overhead. In this paper a technique for preventing these front end and back end vulnerabilities is developed which is based on automated data type detection of input parameters. This novel technique is referred to as IPAAS which automatically and transparently augments.



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How to Cite
B, M., & Chaitanya, A. K. (2013). Survey on Preventing Input Validation Vulnerabilities in Web Applications through Automated Type Analysis. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(02), 61-68. Retrieved from