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In designing steganographic schemes, matrix embedding is an efficient method for increasing the embedding efficiency that is de- fined as an average number of bits embedded via per change on the cover. Matrix embedding is a previously introduced coding method that is used in steganography to improve the embedding efficiency (increase the number of bits embedded per embedding change). Higher embedding efficiency translates into better steganographic security. This gain is more important for long messages than for shorter ones because longer messages are in general easier to detect. In this paper, we present a new approach called two way embedding Compared with the original matrix embedding, the proposed method can exponentially reduce the
computational complexity for equal increment of embedding efficiency. Experimental results also show that this novel method achieves higher embedding
efficiency and faster embedding speed  than previous fast matrix embedding methods, and thus is more suitable for real-time steganogaphic systems.



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How to Cite
Subhadra, P., & Kumar, A. S. (2013). Enhancing and Constructing Two Way Matrix Embedding For Efficient Embedding. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(02), 44-49. Retrieved from