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New problems Modelling is at the heart of mathematical literacy, because many situations that arise in adult life and work cannot be predicted, let alone taught at school. There are now plenty of examples of the successful teaching of modelling at all levels – yet it is to be found in few classrooms. How can every mathematics teacher be brought to teaching modelling reasonably effectively? This paper discusses how progress may be made, illustrating it with examples of „thinking with mathematics” about everyday life problems of concern to most citizens. It discusses the role that curriculum materials, professional development and various kinds of assessment may play, together with the challenges at system level. There are some reasons to be optimistic.



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(DfES ref: 1599-2005DOC-EN)


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How to Cite
Yadav, D. A. (2016). "Reality In Classrooms With Mathematical Literacy". International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(01), 1211-1219. Retrieved from