
Keywords: g- spline, lacunary interpolation piecewise polynomial, Taylor’s expansion, Explicit form.

Article Content:-


Th. Fauzi constructed special kinds of lacunary quintic g-splines and proved that for functions the methods converges faster than that investigated by A.K. Verma and for functions the order of approximation is the same as the best order of approximation using quintic g-splines. In this paper, we construct quintic lacunary g-splines which are solutions of (0,1,4 )- Interpolation problem and obtain their local approximations with functions belonging to and . Our methods are of lower degree having better convergence property than the earlier investigations.



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How to Cite
Srivastava, R. (2014). Lacunary Interpolation By g-Splines. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(12), 806-811. Retrieved from