
Keywords: s-normal matrix, con-s-normal matrix, s-unitary, s-eigenvalues, con-s-eigenvalues, s-symmetric, s-skew symmetric, s-spectrum and s-singular values.

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In this paper, the conjugate secondary eigen values (con-s-eigen values) of a matrix, when properly defined, obey relations similar to the classical inequalities between the s-eigen values and s-singular values. Several interesting secondary spectral properties of conjugate secondary normal (con-s-normal) matrices are
indicated. This matrix class plays the same role in the theory of s-unitary congruence as the class of snormal matrices plays in the theory of s-unitary similarities.



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How to Cite
Muthugobal, D., & Raja, R. (2014). On The Conjugate Secondary Eigenvalues and Secondary Singular Values of A Complex Square Matrix. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(12), 797-805. Retrieved from