
Keywords: Fuzzy g-open set, fuzzy -open set, fuzzy g*s -open set, fuzzy gs-open set, fuzzy sg-open set, fuzzy gsp-open set, fuzzy g -open set, fuzzy gs -open set, fuzzy g -open set and fuzzy  g - open set.

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In this paper, we offer a new class of sets called fuzzy g -open sets in fuzzy topological spaces. It turns out that this class lies between the class of fuzzy open sets and the class of fuzzy generalized open sets. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54C10, 54C08, 54C05.



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How to Cite
Jeyaraman, M., Rajalakshmi, J., Muthuraj, R., & Ravi, O. (2014). g - OPEN SETS IN FUZZY TOPOLOGICAL SPACES. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(12), 786-795. Retrieved from