
Keywords: GPS, LSBN, LBS, GPRS

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Social networking applications have become one of the most significant web services that offer Internet-based platforms for their users to interact with their family and friends. OSNs are increasingly becoming location-aware: they offer the opportunity to share geographic location in order to generate location-tagged information and to search for it. The recent emergence of smart-phones especially contributed for this popularity as they are well packaged with the features of internet & GPS, especially Google Android Phone by allowing a user to track the location to arrange a meeting or event, when friends are around and by providing the ability to make new friends. This paper analyzes some of the user movement tracking systems through GPS or GSM cell and also Location Based Social Networks (LSBN).





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How to Cite
Dhawan, D. S., & Dhundwal, N. (2014). An analysis of user movement tracking in a Location based Social networks. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(09), 619-623. Retrieved from