
Keywords: Topological indices, Schultz polynomial, Hosoyapolynomial, molecular graph.

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Let G be a molecular graph. The Schultz and modified Schultz polynomials are defined as Sc(G, x)= ½ x d ( u , v ) and Sc*( G,x ) = ½ x d ( u , v ) Where du (ordv)denote the degree of the vertex u (orv), respectively. In this paper ,Schultz, Modified Schultz, Hosoya polynomials and their indices for 2,3-dimethyl hexane an isomer of octane are presented.



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How to Cite
Raut, N. (2014). Schultz, Modified Schultz and Hosoya polynomials and their indices in 2, 3- dimethyl hexane an isomer of octane. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(08), 587-592. Retrieved from