
Keywords: Heat and Mass Transfer, Convection, Variable Suction, Oscillatory Flow, Radiation

Article Content:-


The effect of heat and mass transfer on an oscillatory MHD mixed convection past an infinite vertical porous plate with variable suction and radiation has been investigated. A uniform magnetic field is applied normal to the plate. A perturbation method was employed to solve the momentum equation, energy equation, species concentration equation, the skin friction, the Nusselt number and the Sherwood number. The effects of various parameters on velocity, temperature and concentration distribution profiles are considered and discussed in details through graphs and tables. However, our investigation of the problem setup leads to the following conclusion.The fluid motion is decelerated under the action of transverse magnetic field and radiation conduction parameter. Temperature falls due to effect of radiation and Prandtl numbers. The concentration distribution reduced with increase in Schmidt number and chemical parameter.



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How to Cite
Simon, D. (2014). Effect Of Heat And Mass Transfer On An Oscillatory Mhd Mixed Convection Past An Infinite Vertical Porous Plate With Variable Suction And Radiation. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(07), 490-502. Retrieved from