
Keywords: Inventory, optimal, inflation.

Article Content:-


This paper is concerned with the development of inventory model in which demand is taken as a function of selling price and rate of deterioration is taken as a linear function of time and a storage time dependent holding cost. The holding cost per unit of the item per unit time is assumed to be an increasing function of
the time spent in storage. The time dependent holding cost step functions are considered, retroactive holding cost increase and incremental holding cost increase. Shortages are not allowed and effect of inflation rate is considered. A deterministic inventory model is developed for obtaining optimum cycle length for both the
cost structures. The proposed model reduces to well known result, by choosing appropriate value of the parameters.



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Smita, Y., Kumar, A. N., & Kumar, S. A. (2014). A Deterministic Inventory Model For Deteriorating Items With Selling Price Dependent Demand And Time Dependent Deterioration Under Inflation With Variable Holding Cost. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(07), 484-489. Retrieved from