
Keywords: Randic index, Zagreb index,Zagreb polynomial, Adjacency matrix.

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Let G = (V, E) be a molecular graph .The sets of vertices and edges of are denoted by V = V (G) and E = E (G) respectively. In molecular graph , vertices represent atoms and edges represent bonds. The distance between u and v in V (G)of graph G is the number of edges, a shortest path between them d (u, v). In graph theory, there are many molecular indices and polynomials for a graph G . In this research ,we computing Total adjacency index ( A ) , Randic index ( R ) , indices of Zagreb group ( M1 , M 2) and Zagreb polynomial for isomers of pentane ( C5 H 12 ) .



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How to Cite
Raut, D. N. K. (2014). Topological indices and polynomials in isomers of organic compounds. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(06), .456-461. Retrieved from