
Keywords: Natural Convection, MHD, Heated Cylinder, Open Cavity, Finite Element Analysis.

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The problem of MHD natural convection heat transfer in a square open cavity containing a heated circular cylinder at the centre has been investigated in this research. As boundary conditions the left vertical wall of the cavity is kept at a constant heat flux, bottom and top walls of the cavity are kept at different high and low temperature respectively. The right side wall is open. The software COMSOL Multiphysics is used to visualize the temperature distribution and fluid flow solving two-dimensional governing mass, momentum and energy equations for steady state, natural convection flow in presence of magnetic field in side an open square cavity. A uniformly heated circular cylinder is placed at the centre of the cavity. The objectives of this study is to describe the effects of Rayleigh number (Ra) on natural convection heat transfer and flow fields in a complicated domain like it in presence of magnetic field by visualization and line graphs. The investigations are conducted for different values of Rayleigh number and some fixed Hartmann numbers (Ha) with buoyancy effect. In the results it has been observed that an increase in Raleigh number of fluid corresponds to an increase in the total heat transfer when Hartmann number is fixed. Whichis a good agreement with the existing Heat Transfer Theory.



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How to Cite
Hossain, S. A., Alim, M. A., & Saha, S. K. (2015). An Analysis on Mhd Natural Convection Flow In Open Square Cavity Containing Heated Circular Cylinder. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 3(07), 1081-1096. Retrieved from