
Keywords: active learning,semantics. Multimedia information retrieval, image search, video retrieval, audio retrieval, image databases, multimedia indexing, human-computer interaction CBVR, Feature Extraction, Video Indexing, Video Retrieval, NFS method, audio feature extraction

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I propose a general active learning framework for content-based information retrieval.This paper discusses the generalization of the process and information retrieval from large text and audio databases addresses the future need for sophisticated search techniques that will be required to find relevant information in large digital data repositories sucha as digital libraries and other multimedia databases. It has shown an effective way to search for the type of multimedia documents that are increasingly stored in digital libraries Key words: active learning,semantics. Multimedia information retrieval, image search, video retrieval,
audio retrieval, image databases, multimedia indexing, human-computer interaction CBVR, Feature Extraction, Video Indexing, Video Retrieval, NFS method, audio feature extraction



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How to Cite
jayasudha, v.p. (2014). CONTENT BASED INFORMATION RETRIEVAL. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(04), 375-383. Retrieved from