
Keywords: Flexible manufacturing cell (FMC), Unreliable machines, Robot, Common cause failure, Transient analysis.

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This paper presents the transient analysis of a flexible manufacturing cell (FMC) consisting of two identical machines, a pallet handling system and a loading/unloading robot. After delivering the blanks by the pallet to the cell, the robot loads the first machine followed by the second. Unloading of a part starts with the machine that finishes its part first, followed by the next machine. The handling system shifts the pallet with finished parts out and carries in a new pallet
with blanks, when the machining of all parts is completed. Machines are subject to failure individua l as well as due to common cause failure. The failure and repair times are exponentially distributed. The pallet handing system is considered completely reliable. Robot loading/unloading times and pallet transfer times also follow exponential distributions. A computational method based on Runge-Kutta approach is developed to solve the differential difference equations governing the model in order to obtain the transient probabilities. Expressions for various performance indices have been established. The variation of different performance characteristics are displayed in graphs with respect to different parameters.



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How to Cite
Jain, M., & Chauhan, D. (2014). Transient Analysis of Flexible Manufacturing Cell with Loading/Unloading Robot and Two Unreliable Machines. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(03), 359-370. Retrieved from