
Keywords: 2- normed space, sequence space, paranormed space, solid space.

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The aim of this paper is to introduce and study a new class  ((S, ||. , .||),  – , u– ) of sequences with values in 2- Banach space as a generalization of the familiar sequence space p. We explore some of the preliminary results that characterize the linear topological structure of  the class  ((S, ||. , .||),  – , u – ) when topologized it with suitable natural paranorm.



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How to Cite
Pahari, N. P. (2014). On Certain Topological Structures of Two - Banach Space Valued Paranormed Sequence Space  ((S, ||. , .||),  – , u – ). International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(01), 310-315. Retrieved from